Early in the new year, we got the call from a lovely young couple who had a three-year-old jenny who had lost her elderly donkey companion a few months before. Her name is Rilla, and she was lonely even though her owners were spending many hours with her, brushing, walking and giving her cuddles.
They decided that Rilla would be happier with a donkey friend of her own age, even though it was going to hard for them to part with her. So, Alan and I set off on the two-hour journey to pick Rilla up and bring her to Mamaku Donkey RRC & Sanctuary.
Rilla loaded into the float without any problem and had a good trip back to Mamaku. We were able to keep an eye on her throughout the journey via the camera in the float.
Once we arrived, Rilla was keen to meet the boys over the fence. After a few days, the gate was opened, and Tango was let in to come and join her. It was rather a non-event; they got on so well, it was like it was meant to be. The two of them have bonded quickly and it is so nice to see them together sharing hay, grooming each other, standing side by side in their shelter.
Recently Tango and Rilla were joined by Chester and Nibby and the four of them happily graze together and get on well. From time-to-time Tango joins Chester for a play fight while Rilla and Nibby go about their own business until the boys are worn out and in need of a rest.
Rilla’s previous owners have been to visit and spend time with her. They have met Tango, and are thrilled that Rilla has found a young jack who has bonded with her…
A happy ending for two lonely donkeys and now four fast friends…
Author: Pauline Sainsbury, Mamaku Rehoming Centre