Donating to the Donkey and Mule Protection Trust
How you can donate
You can donate directly through the form below using your credit card or via online banking into our bank account.
As a registered non-profit charitable organisation, donations $5.00 and over are tax deductible.
Your details will remain confidential.
What your donation will be spent on
Your donation will go toward the costs to rescue, rehabilitate, and rehome donkeys and mules that are neglected or need to be rehomed due to a change in owner’s circumstances.
Costs typically include:
- Farrier costs
- Dental work
- Medication or vet treatment
- Transportation to collect and deliver the animals
- Feed supplements depending on the condition of the donkey
- Gelding of Jacks (male donkeys)
The Trust also produces educational brochures and volunteers travel to give advice and assistance to donkey owners across the country.
While all work related to the Trust is undertaken by volunteers, including the owners of the rehoming centres, there are also communication and administration costs related to operating the Trust that are funded through donations.
Any monetary support you can give is much appreciated!