Donkeys to Sponsor


When donkeys come under the care of the Trust they are uplifted and relocated to a guardian.  These volunteers agree to take on the care of these donkeys and the Trust raises funds to contribute toward the costs of looking after them. 

In some instances, the donkeys are short term residents until they are rehabilitated and subsequently rehomed.  However other donkeys due to health or behavioural issues are unable to be rehomed and remain permanently under the care of the guardian.

Donkeys under the care of the Trust can incur a range of costs before they can be rehomed, if they can be rehomed at all.  These may include (but not be limited to) vet fees for gelding, dentistry, pregnancy, wounds, x-rays, and treatment for hoof issues. Usually, a farrier is required for frequent and regular trims to correct any hoof deformity. 

Furthermore, a donkey, due to its prior history, may have behavioural issues which might mean the donkey cannot be rehomed immediately.  

Throughout their rehabilitation donkeys require hay, straw and hard feed depending on the age and condition of the donkey, and if a permanent resident, these costs are ongoing for the life of the donkey.

By sponsoring a donkey, you are providing regular support, in the name of your sponsored donkey, to help all donkeys under the financial care of the Trust which is vital for the Trust to continue its work. 

Below are the profiles of donkeys available for sponsorship.  Please select “your” donkey and click to sponsor for $1/day ($30 per month) or another amount.  

The Trust will send a quarterly update to you with news about all sponsored donkeys, including the donkey in whose name you are providing the sponsorship.

All sponsorships are a donation to the Trust and can be claimed as a tax rebate.

Our most recent additions

Dolly Eryl

Location: Rotorua

Residency: Permanent

We have recently had the undisputed joy of getting to know Dolly Eryl.  Dolly is a beautiful gentle 24 year old donkey who came under the care of the Trust in August 2024.  She had spent her whole life, since being weaned, without the company of another donkey but under the loving care of her owner, Eryl (hence Dolly’s second name – to distinguish her from other Dollys). 

When Eryl made the decision to relocate to a smaller property and therefore could not take Dolly, she did not hesitate to contact the Trust to take Dolly under our care to ensure that, while Dolly may no longer have her, she would have the company of other donkeys.

Dolly Eryl was picked up and taken to the Mamaku Donkey Sanctuary in Rotorua where she was introduced to Mia, another of our sponsor donkeys.  Mia is a 30 plus year old girl who had come from a home with four other donkeys who were relocated elsewhere.  For a long time Mia was quite unsettled but she was gradually getting used to her new home.  She had not bonded with any other donkey until the lovely wee Dolly Eryl appeared and claimed Mia as her most particular friend.  

These two are now the best of friends and it is lovely to see.  For now they will remain under the care of the Trust.  

If you would like to sponsor Dolly Eryl and/or Mia, please complete the form at the bottom of this page



Hazel and Sylvie

These two shaggy girls arrived under the care of the Trust in September 2024.  Mother (Sylvie) and daughter (Hazel) are located in Southland.  

They were rescued by a lovely owner over 5 years ago. Both were  very overweight and with careful management they lost a good amount of weight.  Unfortunetly circumstances has meant that they have to be rehomed and reluctantly they have been surrendered to the Trust.  Theire new guardian is watching them closely and will get a vet check done in the near future.

If you would like to sponsor these lovely ladiesm, please complete the form at the bottom of this page.

Donkeys to Sponsor


Location: Rotorua

Residency: Permanent

Mintie arrived at Mamaku Donkey Sanctuary as an unhandled Ponui jack.  He needed to be gelded and handled.  He eventually was trialled at a new home but regressed to his wild ways so was returned to Mamaku where he has made friends with Weatherby.


Location: Rotorua

Residency: Permanent

Weatherby’s trust issues mean that we cannot rehome him.  The last home he had he ran through fences to escape and ended up with a number of cuts and lacerations.  He is friends with Mintie and no longer wants to escape.


Location: Rotorua

Residency: Permanent

Indi arrived with her mum Violet as their elderly owner passed away. They had not been handled and suffer from laminitis if not managed carefully.  It is still very difficult to trim Indi’s hooves.


Location: Rotorua

Residency: Permanent

Neddy arrived at Mamaku Donkey Sanctuary with signficant trust issues.  He was rehomed together with another donkey he became friendly with but his trust issues resurfaced and he was returned to Mamaku where he will live out his days.

Bessie and Jamie

Location: Rotorua

Residency: Permanent

Bessie and Jamie arrived at the very beginning of September 2023.  Bessie is about 21 years old and Jamie is 13 and a gelding.  They are very bonded.

Both have some health issues and we are monitoring them closely.  They have settled in really well and are real characters. 

Zebedee (Zeb)

Location: Wairarapa

Residency: Permanent

Zeb is a 30 year old Ponui Island donkey.  He initially came into the care of an earlier Donkey Trust in New Zealand 25 years ago.  He was in a large herd of donkeys but eventually there was only Zeb left and after much agonising, his owner decided to rehome Zeb to a Trust guardian nearby who has a number of older donkeys.

Zeb has settled in well.  He has hard feed every day which he really enjoys and the company of two geldings about his age.


Location: Rotorua

Residency: Permanent

Chester arrived at Mamaku Donkey Sanctuary when he was very young with his mother, best friend Nibby and three others in his family. His mum died when he was quite young and consequently he became very bonded to Nibby.  As they were so young when they arrived, they were trained to go on visits and parades and are now often out and about promoting the Trust.


Location: Rotorua

Residency: Permanent

Violet and her daughter Indi (above) arrived at Mamaku Donkey Santuary.  Due to the age of their past owner they were not handled for a long time and have trust issues along with health concerns.  They went on trial to a new home but had to be returned due to severe laminitis. They will now remain under the expert care at Mamaku.


Location: Rotorua

Residency: Permanent

Nibby’s best friend is Chester (above).  Nibby is a wee tough fella who has to put with a lot from Chester who is taller and plays rough like many geldings.  But they are both great ambassadors of the Trust getting out and about raising awareness.


Location: Kapiti Coast

Residency: Permanent

Chesterfield is a 30+ year old skewbald gelding. A retired movie donkey, Chesterfield was overweight with tender feet from lack of exercise and living alone in a small enclosure all day.  Given that he was too old for further movie work, his owners decided to relinquish him to the care of the Trust.

He has had a few health issues but they are mostly resolved.  He needs hard feed every day to keep his weight one.  He is a precious boy.


Location: Rotorua

Residency: Permanent

Mia needed to be rehomed due to the ill health of her owner.  Her miniature friends went to another home and Mia came to Mamaku Donkey Sanctuary.  She took a long time to settle in as she was missing her old companions but now seems to be doing very well.  She is friendly with the other donkeys but has not made a special friend. We believe her to be at least 30 years old.  She is a lovely natured girl and in good health but due to her age we will not be rehoming her.

© 2021 Donkey and Mule Protection Trust NZ   |   Registered Charity: CC21227

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