Welcome to the
Donkey and Mule Protection Trust
Improving the lives of donkeys and mules in New Zealand
Our aim is to provide information, advice, support, education, rehabilitation and rehoming for donkeys and mules across New Zealand
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Role of the Trust
Rescue and Rehabilitation
This is when the animal is uplifted and, either temporarily or for the long term, is in the care of a guardian.
Donkeys and mules may be relinquished into the care of the Trust when an owner can no longer care for their animal and wants to ensure it goes to a good home. They are uplifted by the Trust and put into the care of a guardian.
The Trust raises money to support this work by providing funds for transport, farriers, dental work, gelding and any other costs associated with the rehabilitation of the donkey.
This is where most of your donations go.
There are several levels of outcomes for the donkeys/mules:
Rehome Youngsters
A youngster with no obvious problems can be rehomed.
Rehome mature animals
Mature and well behaved with no obvious problems can be rehabilitated and rehomed.
Suitable for rehoming with knowledgeable home only
Some health problems, but possible to be placed in a suitable and knowledgeable home.
In some cases, the animal due to health or behavioural issues may remain at the rehoming centre for the long term and the Trust will seek sponsorship from supporters to cover the main costs of caring for the animal. This is a recent initiative and has been very successful.
Under no circumstances to be rehomed
Severe problems because of severe health problems or dangerous. In these cases the rehoming centre may have to make the decision to euthanise the animal.
All illustrations are the work of Pauline Sainsbury, Mamaku Donkey RRC & Sanctuary
It doesn’t stop there…
Care and Support
Information and Advice
The Trust also has a role in educating owners and potential owners of their responsibilities when owning donkeys/mules. Raising awareness of the unique nature of donkeys and mules is a critical part of what we do to minimise the risk of more animals needing care through ignorance or neglect.
Support and Education
We support current owners to extend their knowledge, and ensure that they know the essentials of caring for a donkey or mule.
Continuing rehabilitation with owner
Where the neglect of a donkey or mule has occurred through ignorance, and is not wilful, and the person in charge of the animal can give a good home to the animal with support and education, a volunteer will visit on a regular basis to assist and check.
The animal should be able to lead and tie up. Fencing should be safe and secure; there must be shelter, feet regularly trimmed. We will introduce the person to a recommended farrier to ensure the feet are trimmed regularly. The owner should be able to recognise when the donkey or mule is ill.
Trust Cards
Buy our Cards!
Our beautiful sets of full colour greeting cards are now available for purchase. Printed on premium linen card, these A6-sized cards are blank inside and can be used for any occasion.
Proceeds go to support the Trust’s efforts of care and rehabilitation for donkeys and mules around NZ.

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As you know the Trust is often asked to take donkeys into care when owner's circumstances have changed and they can no longer care for their donkeys as they want to. We wanted to assure current and past owners that their much-loved donkeys will remain forever within the protective care of the Trust. To that end we have explored programs of rescue organisations in other countries, consulted with past Trustees and talked to owners, past and present, as well as our guardians about the best way to make this a reality.
Our program for “Rehoming Trust Donkeys” is the result. Now our donkeys remain forever in the ownership of the Trust and go to Trust-approved custodians who take on the care of the donkeys as if they were their own, but with the full understanding that each donkey remains a Trust donkey for life.
This program replaces our previous adoption process in which the donkey’s ownership was transferred. Now Trust donkeys must be returned to the Trust if the custodians circumstances change in the future. It also means that we are able to encourage custodians to care for our donkeys as they should i.e. regular farrier visits, worming and dental care.
Current owners thinking of relinquishing their donkeys into the care of the Trust will know that the Trust will oversee the continued care of their donkeys and that the donkeys cannot be moved on to other owners without the Trust having any knowledge of the transfer.
Our photo is of Santo, Mickey and Milo who are the inaugural members of our program. They are are in the loving care of a family of Trust custodians but continue to be owned by the Trust. ... See MoreSee Less
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What a great and loving way to look after these donkeys. Knowing that somebody like your organization is there if something were to happen to me is of great relief to me personally. I don't want mine to end up in peoples hands who don't know how to care for them so on my end I have put that in my will for the future, that the donkeys would come to you. Also with some money for each donkey for vet, farrier and food bills as I would not take your kindness for granted. I hope that's ok.
I believe this is the right thing for the trust to be doing...I would definitely want my donks to be forever cared for by people who know donks..Part of .."what happens to my girls if something happens to me"..Thats where putting these very important things in our Wills is a must...Who would care for these spoilt lot if I was'nt around..??😆
What a great support and good to know that this is an option for sunny and Moses if ever needed
That is very reassuring to see the changes for the ongoing care and welfare for the donkeys and mules. 🌸
What a wonderful program for lifelong donkey welfare xx As always wonderful work by Donkey & Donkey and Mule Protection Trust NZ
That's a great programme! Best wishes for it all 🙂
Thank you 😊
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And this is Violet's mum Indi. Both Violet and Indi are under the care of the Trust and looked after at the Mamaku Donkey Sanctuary in Rotorua by Pauline. Hasn't Indi got the sweetest face? ... See MoreSee Less
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This girl has a face like Violet & her sister who came to live with Bella early on this year.Violets sister came too,her name is Frida..They are all the sweetest Donks!!! Nice to meet you Indi ...
A lovely face
This is Violet. She has been under the care of the Trust for a number of years now. She is very inquisitive and likes to be in charge. ... See MoreSee Less
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Beautiful girl ❤️❤️❤️
She's got a gorgeous face.
She looks just like our Lulu of the Trust 🥰
Aw Baby darling.
Hello Sweetie🤗🥰
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