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Latest news from the Trust

Read the latest news from the trust from all around New Zealand. We’ll try to keep you up to date with what is happening, the latest advice and some great information for caring for your donkey or mule.

A Donkey for Christmas

Just before Christmas a supporter of the Trust purchased a donkey via TradeMe. The donkey was initially advertised as...

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And two makes Seven!

And two makes Seven!

As per our previous post, the Trust was asked to help rehome five donkeys, Sarah, Lauren, Ava, Humphrey and Bogart. ...

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Weatherby of Mamaku

Weatherby of Mamaku

Weatherby came to the Mamaku Rescue and Rehoming Centre with a number of nasty gashes as he was constantly escaping...

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Donkeys love visitors

Donkeys love visitors

Recently Pauline of the Mamaku Rescue and Rehoming Centre welcomed Pippi, Gregg and Susie to the centre out of Rotorua...

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