Donkeys love visitors
Recently Pauline of the Mamaku Rescue and Rehoming Centre welcomed Pippi, Gregg and Susie to the centre out of Rotorua to meet her donkeys. Many of these donkeys are supported financially by the Trust and by private individual sponsors....
And away we go… Jake and Benny
Jake and Benny recently returned to the Mamaku rehoming centre once again after being rehomed a number of times due to various reasons. Their last owners cared for them deeply and they are now very well behaved, lovable donkeys. However their past neglect caught up...
Introducing Her Grace, Duchess Florence
This is Duchess Florence. She came to the Mamaku Rehoming centre without a name. We had a naming promotion through our Facebook page and Pauline who owns the Mamaku Rehoming centre has chosen Duchess Florence from all the wonderful suggestions. The Duchess will be...
Wairarapa A & P Show
Our chair person, Pru, was at the Wairarapa A&P show recently promoting the work we do at the Trust.